Plotting with SharpPlot#

This Cultivation was hosted by Nicolas Delcros. Nicolas also gave a presentation on SharpPlot at the Dyalog ‘13 user conference, and there are several blog posts available on the topic, too.

SharpPlot is a professional charting and typesetting engine that ships with Dyalog APL. If you want to draw graphs or plot functions using APL, SharpPlot has you covered. SharpPlot comes in two versions, firstly a native .NET bundle that can be used through Dyalog’s .NET integration, and secondly as a pure APL workspace, referred to as Causeway. Whilst they’re identical in terms of functionality, the former tends to be faster, but the latter obviously has the advantage of working everywhere Dyalog works, without the need to have access to .NET. We’ll be using the Causeway approach here.

Let’s kick this off with an example! First we need to pull in two functions from the sharpplot workspace.

'InitCauseway' 'View' ⎕CY'sharpplot'
⎕RL16807 1   ⍝ fixed seed for random numbers

Let’s write a function we can use to generate some data to plot,

NormalRandom  {
  depth  1000000000                    ⍝ Randomness depth
  (x y)  [1+⍳⍴,](?(2,)depth)÷depth ⍝ Two random variables within ]0;1]
  ((-2×⍟x)*0.5)×1○○2×y                  ⍝    

Now we can draw a SharpPlot line graph:

line  ⊃↓+\NormalRandom 5 100
sp  ⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
sp.DrawLineGraph line                  ⍝ Single argument must be enclosed

sp.SaveSvg 'plot1.svg' Causeway.SvgMode.FixedAspect ⍝ Write the graph image to disk


Unfortunately, many of the SharpPlot functions don’t actually return anything, making them tricky to use inside a dfn. Here’s a somewhat hideous workaround for this,

Plot  {
    do  {'⍺⍺ ⍵ ⋄ ⍵'  ⍺⍺}
    _  InitCauseway do 
    sp  ⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
    _  sp.DrawLineGraph do 

You may have gathered that what we get returned from this function is a SharpPlot instance, with a bunch of methods and properties. You might draw another line graph, or any other kind of graph, or add some notes, perhaps.

Ok, let’s plot some more involved data. Here we have some personal account-keeping, showing expenditures of different types across a set of dates. A quirk here is that SharpPlot uses so-called “OLE dates” which are one-off to international day numbers (IDN ― the number of days since the beginning of 1899-12-31).

(date¨43578+?20100)(('Groceries' 'Entertainment' 'Subscription')[?203])(20+?20100)
│2019 5 19 0 0 0 0│2019 7 24 0 0 0 0│2019 8 1 0 0 0 0│2019 7 14 0 0 0 0│2019 7 31 0 0 0 0│2019 6 26 0 0 0 0│2019 6 1 0 0 0 0│2019 6 30 0 0 0 0│2019 4 26 0 0 0 0│2019 7 7 0 0 0 0│2019 5 22 0 0 0 0│2019 6 28 0 0 0 0│2019 6 7 0 0 0 0│2019 6 2 0 0 0 0│2019 6 29 0 0 0 0│2019 5 27 0 0 0 0│2019 7 5 0 0 0 0│2019 7 13 0 0 0 0│2019 7 25 0 0 0 0│2019 6 22 0 0 0 0│
│Groceries        │Entertainment    │Entertainment   │Groceries        │Entertainment    │Groceries        │Groceries       │Groceries        │Groceries        │Entertainment   │Subscription     │Groceries        │Groceries       │Subscription    │Entertainment    │Groceries        │Subscription    │Groceries        │Groceries        │Subscription     │
│107              │36               │105             │58               │116              │53               │96              │115              │91               │43              │63               │81               │57              │45              │91               │114              │74              │73               │33               │41               │
 sp  Budget size;count;dates;oledates;type
  dates  date¨43578+size?10×size
  type  'Groceries' 'Entertainment' 'Subscription'[?size3]
  count  20+?size100

  oledates  {1+2 ⎕NQ'.' 'DateToIDN'}¨dates 
  sp  ⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
  sp.SplitBytype ⍝ single argument must be enclosed
  sp.ScatterPlotStyle  Causeway.ScatterPlotStyles.(GridLines+Risers)
  sp.SetColors System.Drawing.Color.(Blue Red Green)
  sp.SetMarkers Causeway.Marker.Bullet
  sp.XAxisStyle  Causeway.XAxisStyles.(Date)
  sp.XDateFormat 'dd-MM-yyyy'
  sp.DrawScatterPlot count oledates

gr  Budget 10
gr.SaveSvg 'plot02.svg' Causeway.SvgMode.FixedAspect


Here’s a subset of Our World In Data’s dataset on COVID-19. We’ve picked out the data for United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Denmark, plotting the new cases per million, and new deaths per million over time, starting from January, 2022. We did a bit of data slicing and date conversion outside APL, detailed here, in order for us to be able to focus mainly on the plotting aspect.

miss  ¯1E300 ⍝ missing value
csv  {⎕CSV   4} '/Users/stefan/work/data/covid_subset2.csv'
dates  {[]}date  20 1⎕DT csv[;2]
csv[;2]  date

locations  locationcsv[;1]
row  csv[;1 2]⍳↑locations∘.{ }dates
csv  ('')('')miss miss
data  csv[row;3 4]

fields_to_plot  'New cases per million' 'New deaths per million'
countries_to_plot  'United States' 'Canada' 'United Kingdom' 'France' 'Denmark'

'InitCauseway' 'View'⎕CY'sharpplot'
sp  ⎕NEW Causeway.SharpPlot
sp.MissingValue  miss
sp.SetTrellis fields_to_plot

:For field :In ⍳≢fields_to_plot
    sp.Heading  fieldfields_to_plot
    sp.MarginBottom  70
    sp.SetKeyText countries_to_plot
    sp.YAxisStyle  Causeway.YAxisStyles.LogScale
    sp.XAxisStyle  Causeway.XAxisStyles.(Date+MonthlyTicks)
    sp.XDateFormat  'MMM-yy'
    values  data[;;field]
    sp.DrawLineGraph values dates

cov  OwidCovidData
cov.SaveSvg 'plot03.svg' Causeway.SvgMode.FixedAspect
